What To Do About Congenitally Missing Teeth

WHILE MOST PEOPLE HAVE thirty-two permanent teeth that develop (including the wisdom teeth) some people’s permanent teeth never grow in at all. These are called congenitally missing teeth—teeth missing from birth—and it’s actually more common than you think! So, what do you do if you find out you or your child have one or more…

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Tongue!

A HEALTHY TONGUE IS incredibly important for a healthy mouth. We know we talk a lot about your teeth, but it’s time we told you more about your tongue, that amazing muscle that allows us to speak, taste, and swallow! Get Rid Of Bacteria By Cleaning Your Tongue You’ve already brushed your teeth for two minutes…

Why Is Fluoride So Good For Our Teeth?

WE DENTISTS MAKE a pretty big deal about fluoride and how good it is for your teeth. Truly, fluoride is the best cavity fighter out there, helping our teeth stay healthy and strong! But how exactly does fluoride do such an awesome job at keeping our mouths cavity-free? Fluoride Prevents And Repairs Tooth Decay Bacteria…

What Is A Frenectomy?

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD of a person being “tongue-tied” or “lip-tied”? As dental professionals, we care about the health of your mouth as a whole, not just your teeth. When a tongue- or lip-tie is present, some problems may arise that we can help with! Why Do Lip- And Tongue-Ties Occur? A lip- or tongue-tie…

Tooth Fairy Traditions

THE TOOTH FAIRY is one of many childhood fantasy figures we remember fondly. We lost our baby teeth, stuck them under our pillow, and the mysterious tooth fairy would swap our teeth out for money! What could be better? The tooth fairy isn’t quite the same for everyone though! The legend of the tooth fairy has…

Pets Need Their Teeth Brushed Too!

DID YOU KNOW THAT FEBRUARY is Pet Dental Health Month? That’s right! Your pets need their teeth taken care of too! While their teeth don’t require quite as much attention as ours do, your pet’s teeth still need a little tender loving care to keep them healthy. Brush Your Pet’s Teeth Brushing our teeth removes…

Our Hidden Superpower: Smiling!

SMILING AT SOMEONE CAN turn their whole day around. But have you ever thought about the impact the act of smiling has on YOU? Smiling is a hidden superpower that can change our lives for the better if we let it! Smiling Has Numerous Health Benefits Did you know that frequent smiling can actually make…