You can restore a flawless and functional smile with dental bridges and crowns at Stutsman Dentistry.
Dental Bridges
A permanent dental bridge replaces missing teeth when they are lost. It will improve your smile, promote the healthy function of the surrounding teeth, and maintain the structure of your face and jaw.
The teeth and TMJ (jaw joint) are made to work in harmony together. Many times, patients with multiple teeth missing develop dysfunction and problems in their TMJ, leading to a more complicated and sometimes compromised treatment.
Tooth replacement is pivotal to proper chewing and speaking. It also maximizes your appearance and self-confidence while ensuring the proper alignment of the jaw. A straight and complete smile is easier to clean and less susceptible to gum disease, decay, or further tooth loss.
We Stand By Our Work
Dr. Chad and Dr. Danielle provide a limited warranty on their crown and bridge work for 3 years. When the patient maintains their recommended professional continuing care appointments in our office (minimum of every 6 months), they can benefit from all of the promises in this warranty!
Dental Crowns
A “cap” or crown will restore a broken, heavily filled, or cracked tooth to its original form, strength, and natural beauty. Crowns cover most of the exposed parts of the tooth. They also may be recommended after root canal therapy because these teeth become brittle and are more apt to fracture.
Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining parts of the tooth, improve the appearance of the teeth, and serve as a long-term and successful restoration.
Many crowns have a metal core for strength under a layer of esthetic porcelain, but a nonmetal crown can be made for patients who desire a metal-free restoration. Please discuss this with your doctor to discover which option is best for you.
Get Your Crown Today!
We are pleased to offer crowns in just one visit with our E4D CAD/CAM technology. Other practices may have to send your impressions to a dental lab and place temporary crowns before your permanent crown can be placed. At our practice, we can create beautiful permanent restorations right here in our office!
Restore Your Smile at Stutsman Dentistry!
Doctors Stutsman create beautiful dental restorations that can return your smile to its best state. Call today to schedule an appointment for dental crowns or bridges at Stutsman Dentistry!